Using SVM in TSCU
Time Series Classification Utility (TSCU) is a collection of MATLAB® and C functions written to create an easy to use framework for classification of time series. If you have a collection of time series that needs to be classified by using Support Vector Machined (SVM) then continue reading this tutorial.
- Author : Huseyin Kaya
- Website:
- Sources:
TSCU is written in MATLAB®, so there is no setup; just download the package and run from MATLAB® Command Window. The complete package is available for free from GitHub. You have these two options:
Option 1 Use Download ZIP option to download the package in a zip file. If you choose this way you have to download the whole package to obtain the most current version of the utility.
Option 2 Another option is to use a command line to fetch the git repository. In this way, it is easy to update the package by using suitable git options. To check out the repository you can use the following command. If you don't have git on your command line, then you should install to the operating system. For further information, please take a look at
# git clone
In both methods, you will end up with a directory named TSCU. Open your MATLAB® Command Window, and go to the TSCU/src directory. Now you are ready to run TSCU. But please be patient. Just read this tutorial and follow the step by step instructions.
Loading a time series dataset
For this tutorial we will use UCR time series repository which contains more than 40 different datasets. You can send an e-mail to Dr. Keogh to download all of them. For the time being, we will use Gun_Point, ECG200, Lighting2 and yoga. If you haven't already downloaded it, then go ahead and send and e-mail to Dr. Keogh and save them under ../../UCR.
% RBF-SVM RBF-DTW DTW % Data sigma C sigma C bandwith data = { 'Gun_Point' ,0.03 ,50, 3 ,20, 0,... 'ECG200' ,0.1 ,50, 0.2 ,30, 0,... 'Lighting2' ,0.001 ,30, 0.01 ,30, 6,... 'yoga' ,0.013 ,90, 2 ,20, 2 ... }; fprintf('%-15s %-16s %-17s %-8s %-8s\n',... 'Dataset','RBF_SVM','DTW_SVM','DTW-1NN','1-NN'); for i=1:3 dataname = data{6*(i-1)+1}; s_rbf_svm = data{6*(i-1)+2}; c_rbf_svm = data{6*(i-1)+3}; s_dtw_svm = data{6*(i-1)+4}; c_dtw_svm = data{6*(i-1)+5}; bandwith = data{6*(i-1)+6}; trn=load(sprintf('../../UCR/%s/%s_TRAIN',dataname,dataname)); tst=load(sprintf('../../UCR/%s/%s_TEST',dataname,dataname)); RBF_SVM=tscu(trn,tst ,... 'Classifier' ,'SVM' ,... 'Alignment' ,'NONE' ,... 'SVMKernel' ,'gaussian' ,... 'SVMSoftMargin' ,c_rbf_svm ,... 'SVMGamma' ,s_rbf_svm ,... 'LogLevel' ,'Emergency'); DTW_SVM =tscu(trn,tst ,... 'Classifier' ,'SVM' ,... 'Alignment' ,'CDTW' ,... 'DTWbandwidth' ,bandwith ,... 'SVMKernel' ,'gaussian' ,... 'SVMSoftMargin' ,c_dtw_svm ,... 'SVMGamma' ,s_dtw_svm ,... 'LogLevel' ,'Emergency'); DTW_NN =tscu(trn,tst ,... 'Classifier' ,'KNN' ,... 'Alignment' ,'CDTW' ,... 'DTWbandwidth' ,bandwith ,... 'LogLevel' ,'Emergency'); NN =tscu(trn,tst ,... 'Classifier' ,'KNN' ,... 'Alignment' ,'NONE' ,... 'LogLevel' ,'Emergency'); fprintf('%-15s %4.3f (%5.3f %2d) %4.3f (%5.3f %2d) %7.3f %7.3f\n',... dataname,RBF_SVM.perf.OA, s_rbf_svm, c_rbf_svm, ... DTW_SVM.perf.OA, s_dtw_svm, c_dtw_svm, ... DTW_NN.perf.OA,NN.perf.OA); end
Dataset RBF_SVM DTW_SVM DTW-1NN 1-NN Gun_Point 0.960 (0.030 50) 0.627 (3.000 20) 0.913 0.913 ECG200 0.930 (0.100 50) 0.820 (0.200 30) 0.880 0.880 Lighting2 0.754 (0.001 30) 0.475 (0.010 30) 0.869 0.754