
It is a 1D MSM demo code to check the force error calculations with the expected values. In this minimal code, there is no restriction and prolongation steps as it is one level MSM.



I first get rid of old variables and figures.

clear variables
close all

Setting random seed to recreate the results.

s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',7); RandStream.setGlobalStream(s);

Grid spacing is set to h=2.5 to mimic large water sphere.

h  = 2.5;

The number of particles.


The distribution of the particles on a line. I choose the boundaries -50 and 50 and the n=41 to mimic the large water sphere data in the NAMD-lite. In that data, there are 30006 atoms in a sphere with radius r=44A. The number of atoms in each direction is approximately 2*r/((4/3*pi*r^3/30006)^(1/3)) = 38. I set n=41 in order to locate each particles on the grid with h=2.5. In this way, I am sure that there is no error in anterpolation.

x0 = linspace(-50,50,n);
%x0 = sort(100*rand(n,1)-50);

I take all the masses one. I don't know if this effects my calculations.

q0 = ones(n,1);

Since I know h=2.5 and the boundaries of [-50 50], I can preallocate the finest mesh beforehand. I enlarge the boundary by 2*h on each side.

x1 = linspace(-55,55,45);

The cutoff values that I try. In the dissertation, a=6:20 is used almost always. But here I want to see what happens outside of that safe region.

arange = [1:10 20:10:100 200:100:1000];

This is the C3 Taylor smoothing and its derivative.

s  = @(p) 1 + (p*p-1)*(-1/2 + (p*p-1)*(3/8 + (p*p-1)*(-5 /16)));
sd = @(p)     (2*p)  *(-1/2 + (p*p-1)*(3/4 + (p*p-1)*(-15/16)));

The cubic "numerical" Hermite nodal base and its derivative. The enumeration of the pieces of the functions is as follows:

        -2       -1        0        1        2
             c1       c2       c3        c4
             c1d      c2d      c3d       c4d --> derivatives

To make sure, I don't make any mistake, I took the functions definitions directlt from NAMD-Lite. However, in NAMD-Lite the enumeration of the pieces are little different.

Enumeration of the cubic pieces in the NAMD-Lite:

        -2       -1        0        1        2
            phi3     phi2     phi1     phi0
           dphi3    dphi2    dphi1    dphi0 --> derivatives
c1  = @(t)      0.5 * (1 + t) * (2 + t) * (2 + t);  %  phi3 in NAMD-Lite
c1d = @(t)      (1.5 * t + 2) * (2 + t);            % dphi3 in NAMD-Lite
c2  = @(t)      (1 + t) * (1 - t - 1.5 * t * t);    %  phi2 in NAMD-Lite
c2d = @(t)      (-5 - 4.5 * t) * t;                 % dphi2 in NAMD-Lite
c3  = @(t)      (1 - t) * (1 + t - 1.5 * t * t);    %  phi1 in NAMD-Lite
c3d = @(t)      (-5 + 4.5 * t) * t ;                % dphi1 in NAMD-Lite
c4  = @(t)      0.5 * (1 - t) * (2 - t) * (2 - t);  %  phi0 in NAMD-Lite
c4d = @(t)      (1.5 * t - 2) * (2 - t) ;           % dphi0 in NAMD-Lite

Direct calculation

In the following double loop, I create the original kernel matrix and calculate the exact forces.

$$G_{ij}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}1/|r_i-r_j|, & j\ne i,\\ 0,&j=i\end{array}\right.$$

G = zeros(n,n);
freal = zeros(n,1);
for i=1:n-1
    for j=i+1:n
        rij = x0(i)-x0(j);
        r = abs(rij);
        r_1 = 1/r;
        rij_r3 = q0(i)*q0(j)*rij/r^3;

        G(i,j) = r_1;
        G(j,i) = G(i,j);

        freal(i) = freal(i) - rij_r3;
        freal(j) = freal(j) + rij_r3;

Here is the exact potential energy.

$$ U=\frac{1}{2}q_0^TGq_0 $$

ureal = 0.5*q0'*G*q0;
for ia=1:numel(arange)

For each cutoff value, MSM is run to calculate the approximate force and potentials.


Short-range Calculation

Here I prefer to create the matrices just to check the linear algebra side of the MSM match with the loop calculations.

We split the G matrix into two parts:

$$ G = \hat{G} + \bar{G} $$


$$ \hat{G}_{ij}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}1/|r_i-r_j|-g(r_i,r_j), & j\ne i,\\ -g(r_i,r_j),&j=i\end{array}\right. $$

$$ \bar{G}_{ij}=g(r_i,r_j) $$

    Ghat   = zeros(n,n);
    Gbar   = zeros(n,n);
    fshort = zeros(n,1);

I calculate the short-range potential in two ways: using the matrix algebra $1/2q^T\hat{G}q$ and accumulating the potentials in the loop. That's why I use two different variables: ushort and ushortloop. In the end, I will compare them for sanity check.

    ushortloop = 0;
    for i=1:n
        qi = q0(i);

$$ \bar{G}_{ii} = \frac{1}{a}\gamma(\frac{0}{a}) $$

$$ \hat{G}_{ii} = -\bar{G}_{ii} $$

        Gbar(i,i) = s(0)/a;
        Ghat(i,i) = -Gbar(i,i);
        ushortloop = ushortloop + qi*qi*0.5*Ghat(i,i);
        for j=i+1:n
            qj     = q0(j);
            rij    = x0(i)-x0(j);
            r      = abs(rij);
            r_1    = 1/r;
            rij_r3 = rij/r^3;
            % Long-range
            if r >= a
                Gbar(i,j) = r_1;
                Gbar(j,i) = r_1;
                Ghat(i,j) = 0;
                Ghat(j,i) = 0;
                % Short range
                g = s(r/a)/a;
                Gbar(i,j) = g;
                Gbar(j,i) = g;
                Ghat(i,j) = r_1-g;
                Ghat(j,i) = r_1-g;
                force = qi*qj*(1/r^2 + 1/a^2*sd(r/a))*rij/r;
                fshort(i) = fshort(i) - force;
                fshort(j) = fshort(j) + force;
                ushortloop = ushortloop + qi*qj*(r_1 - g);

short-range potential energy is directly calculated by using

$$ u^{short} = 1/2q_0^T\hat{G}q_0 $$

    ushort = 0.5*q0'*Ghat*q0;


Here I use similar strategy. I calculate the anterpolation matrix explicitly to check if the grid masses (q1) calculated by q1=A*q0 is equal to the grid masses (q1loop) calculated in the loop. Later, I will use A' in the interpolation step.

    nx1    = numel(x1);
    A      = zeros(nx1,n);
    q1loop = zeros(nx1,1);
    for i=1:n
        i0 = floor((x0(i)-x1(1))/h);
        t = (x0(i) - x1(i0))/h;
        A(i0  ,i) = c4(t);
        A(i0+1,i) = c3(t-1);
        A(i0+2,i) = c2(t-2);
        A(i0+3,i) = c1(t-3);
        q1loop(i0  ) = q1loop(i0  ) + c4(t  )*q0(i);
        q1loop(i0+1) = q1loop(i0+1) + c3(t-1)*q0(i);
        q1loop(i0+2) = q1loop(i0+2) + c2(t-2)*q0(i);
        q1loop(i0+3) = q1loop(i0+3) + c1(t-3)*q0(i);
    q1 = A*q0;

Direct part (top level)

The matrix $G^1$ is used to calculate the pairwise interactions between the grid masses q1.

    G1 = zeros(nx1,nx1);
    for i=1:nx1
        G1(i,i) = s(0)/a;
        for j=i+1:nx1
            r = abs(x1(j)-x1(i));
            if r >= a
                G1(i,j) = 1/r;
                G1(i,j) = s(r/a)/a;

Grid potential e1 is just the matrix-vector product of G1 and q1.

    e1 = G1*q1;


Since we already have the transformation matrix A in the anterpolation, I can use its transpose in the interpolation to get the long-range potentials in the particle level.

    e0long = A'*e1;

I'll calculate the same e0long by using the loops to make sure I do the interpolation right.

    e0longloop = zeros(n,1);

In the loop, I will calculate the long-range forces.

    flong = zeros(n,1);

For each particle ...

    for i=1:n
        % Location of the particle
        x = x0(i);
        % lowest grid location having non-zero contribution.
        i0 = floor((x-x1(1))/h);
        % Coordinate of the particle in terms of h.
        t = (x - x1(i0))/h;

Sanity check: Since I'm using cubic bases, t should be between [1 2].

        if t < 1  || t > 2
            error('t should be between [1 2]');
        flong(i) =  e1(i0  ) * c4d(t  )/h + ...
                    e1(i0+1) * c3d(t-1)/h + ...
                    e1(i0+2) * c2d(t-2)/h + ...
                    e1(i0+3) * c1d(t-3)/h;
        e0longloop(i) = e1(i0  ) * c4(t  ) + ...
                        e1(i0+1) * c3(t-1) + ...
                        e1(i0+2) * c2(t-2) + ...
                        e1(i0+3) * c1(t-3);

Long-range potential energy is

$$ u^{long} = 1/2q_1^Te_1 $$

    ulong  = 0.5*q1'*e1;

Finally, I add the short and long-range energy and forces to obtain the final approximations.

    umsm = ushort+ulong;
    fmsm = fshort+flong;

Relative error in average mass-weighted force.

    errfunc = @(f,m) sqrt(mean((f.^2)./m));

    ferror(ia) = errfunc(freal-fmsm,q0)/errfunc(freal,q0);

Relative error in potential energy.

    uerror(ia) = abs(ureal-umsm)/ureal;

Sanity checks

Short-range potential energies calculated two different ways should be equal to each other.

    if abs(ushort-ushortloop)/abs(ushort) > 1E-10
        error('ushort must be equal to ushortloop\n');

Long-range potentials calculated by using both ways should be equal to each other.

    if norm(e0long-e0longloop)/norm(e0long) > 1E-10
        error('e0 should be equal to e0loop');

The sum of grid masses should be equal to the total mass.

     if abs(sum(q0)-sum(q1))/sum(q0) > 1E-10
        error('sum(q0) should be equal to sum(q1)');

The grid masses calculated both ways should be equal

    if norm(q1-q1loop)/norm(q1) > 1E-10
        error('q1 should be equal to q1loop');

The long-range interaction kernel $\bar{G}$ is approaximated with the following relation.

$$ \bar{G} \approx \tilde{G} = A^TG^1A $$

If the particles are located on the grid nodes, then the approximation should be exact.

    Gtilde = A'*G1*A;
    if norm(Gbar-Gtilde)/norm(Gbar) > 1E-10
        error('The error in the approximation is high');

Long-range potential energy can be calculated in two different ways. They should be equal.

$$ 1/2q_1^Te_1 =  1/2q_0^Te_0^{long} $$

    if abs(ulong-0.5*q0'*e0long) > 1E-10
        error('0.5*q0T*e0 shoulb be equal to ulong');

The results

The percent relative error in average force is displayed in loglog plot. Here, I also plot two lines of slopes, -2.5 and -5, the later is for asymptotic behaviour. The expected slopes are -4 and -5 since I'm using cubic (p=3) interpolating polynomials. But the observations in the dissertation and my experiments with NAMD-Lite indicates that we should observe -3 and -5. However, my code produces a slope -2.5. I'm still not sure why I can't get a slope of -3.

hold on
title('Cubic Numerical Hermite & C3 Taylor','FontSize',14);
xlabel('cutoff (a)','FontSize',14);
ylabel('percent relative error in average force','FontSize',14);
h=legend('Force','Slope = -2.5','Slope = -5');
grid on